You're invited to join the Host Fellowship

Please note: applications for the 2022-23 Host Fellowship have now closed. You can fill out this form to stay in the loop about future programmes.

The Host Fellowship is an 18 month programme of support to grow a Huddle of your own design. A Huddle is a purposeful peer group that tackles a learning journey together. Your Huddle might centre on a theme you really care about. It might take place in your local area, in your organisation or online.

As a licensed Host, you can grow your own micro-venture, backed and supported by the Huddlecraft team and our community of Hosts who have gone before you.

From an organisation? Are you an employee who’d like to host Huddles at your organisation? Or an employer wanting to see Huddles internally or for your community? Download our organisations' pack and get in touch for a chat.

What our Hosts say:

Headshot of Ella Reynolds

Ella Reynolds

“I feel like I’ve grown in unexpected ways. The Host Fellowship provided me with a way to navigate the overwhelming uncertainty I was facing. I uncovered a tenacity that I didn’t know I had. I feel more resilient as a result. If you’re considering it seriously, you should definitely just take the plunge.”

Headshot of Luis Sergio

Luis Ferreira

“JOIN! This was one of the most transformative and profound experiences I’ve had so far in my journey as an entrepreneur and educator. Huddlecraft’s way of doing things is charming. I’ve learnt a lot about how to create powerful experiences. The Huddlecraft toolkit and approach was essential.”

Headshot of Jahnvi Singh

Jahnvi Singh

“The Host Fellowship grows your practice as a facilitator and your network of peers. You will earn back the investment you make in more ways than you can imagine. Since the fellowship I've joined the RSA, managing the scaling of Cities of Learning programme. I’m taking a peer-led approach to bring together stakeholders from different cities.”

In a nutshell:

  • Dates: Our current fellowship runs between October 2022 - March 2024. Applications have now closed. To express interest for a future fellowship, complete this form.

  • Location: The fellowship is remote, with sessions taking place on Zoom. We welcome applications from all locations.

  • Fees: The fee you pay depends on your situation. There are payment plans and bursaries available. Find out how much you’d pay in the 'practicalities' section.

  • Income Potential: You'll design a cost structure that makes sense for your Huddle and the audience you want to work with. Depending on your pricing structure you could yield between £5k - £18k.

  • Abundancy Fund: We have a fund that you can access to help you provide bursaries to Huddle participants that meet bursary criteria. You may be able to access up to £750.

The Host Fellowship includes:

Host Fellowship diagram: a colourful wheel with a Host figure at the centre, and 7 segments representing different aspects of the Fellowship: training, a license, community, support, income potential, resources, funding.

Why host?

Hosting a Huddle can be a life-and-work-changing experience, for you as the Host, and for your participants.

You might be an aspiring or experienced facilitator, a community organiser, a coach, a learning designer, or a real people person. You might want to connect freelancers navigating the challenges of self-employment, men of all ages exploring masculinity, or activists working for change - you name it.

You bring your ideas and we’ll bring the resources, community and web of support to help you make it happen.

Please note: we've recently rebranded as Huddlecraft, and are in the process of updating our content.

A crowd applauds at one of our showcase events

"Hosting has been just the beginning of a brilliant adventure. I've found magnificent collaborators, made wonderful friends and earned over £20k as a result."

– David Heinemann, Huddle Host

You might be:

  • A freelancer looking to add another income stream or side project to your portfolio
  • A community enthusiast keen to establish connections, creativity or resilience in your local area
  • Part of an organisation that would like to create an incredible internal learning culture, or offer Huddles to your community
  • A designer wanting to craft a live experience for participants
  • An activist wanting to mobilise people around an important goal or theme
  • A coach looking to develop your practice in a peer group setting
  • A retiree searching for a mind expanding challenge
  • A surprise we haven’t imagined yet
Analise presenting at her showcase event.
The Bristol Huddle mapping their connections with string at their kick off weekend

Do it to:

  • Grow your capability as a ‘maker-happener’, able to turn a vision into reality
  • Start a ‘micro-venture’ with proven social value and recurring income potential
  • Directly see your impact: watch people grow and create in unexpected ways and play a meaningful role in that growth
  • Establish a valuable learning community where you live or work. Develop your network of relationships.
  • Deepen your understanding and experience of huddlecraft, and applying the power of peer-led approaches
  • Expand your facilitator range and skill-set, play with new approaches and develop your style
  • Develop your resilience and your ability to lead in a time of uncertainty
  • Boost your career by multiplying the value you can bring to organisations and collaborators

What we're growing

We are a platform for people to create, host and join Huddles, and we are growing an ‘ecosystem’ of support for peer-led learning and organising.

Our North Star is a future regenerative civilisation. So we act in support of a necessary transition to an economy (and consciousness) that will create this future. By placing co-learner relationships at the heart of our model, we practice living in our preferred future by learning together (co-operatively and locally) in the present.

We aim to uproot some of the assumptions that have, for too long, sat at the heart of learning. In their place we plant approaches that will help us face the steep, collective learning curves ahead.

Read more about us

We support a shift:


A bias towards a teacher-student model, in which students receive knowledge from experts.


A belief in an abundant yet under-utilised resource for adult development: peers.


A focus on developing the market value of the individual.


A focus on developing the whole person and their ability to thrive (including but not exclusively their livelihood).


A focus on fostering outer development, status and material gain.


A focus on harmony between outer and inner development.


Centralised knowledge, power and resources.


Distributed knowledge, power and resources.


Upholding and propagating the status quo.


Being designed to adapt, continually evolving in response to emerging needs.

What's included?

The Host Fellowship is an 18 month remote programme of support that includes everything you need to design, launch and run your own huddle. The Host Fellowship comes with...

A hand-drawn wallet

Income Potential

You'll design a cost structure that makes sense for your Huddle and the audience you want to work with. Depending on your pricing you could yield £5k - £18k.

A hand-drawn head in portrait with cogs turning in the brain


Intensive training and initiation, giving you a foundation in Learning Design, recruitment, facilitation, coaching and hosting inclusively. More details about the training in our info pack.

A hand-drawn certificate


A license to launch your Huddle, making use of the Huddlecraft brand and all our resources and support.

A hand-drawn toolbox


Access to the Host Guide: a toolbox including all Huddle resources built up and refined over 5+ years, plus Huddlecraft branding and marketing materials.

A hand-drawn group of people with their hands in the air


Your cohort of fellows Hosts to learn with and from. Connection to the whole Huddlecraft community including 300+ previous participants.

A hand-drawn stack of coins


Access to up to £750 of support from our Abundancy Fund, to provide bursary support to your participants who meet certain criteria.

A hand-drawn pair of hands


An experienced Host Mentor who'll support you throughout the fellowship via fortnightly calls. Access to our team with different support specialisations. A Slack channel where you can ask for support at any time.

The possibilities are endless.

Since 2017, 30 people have hosted Huddles across the UK, Germany, Brazil - and online. Each Host has had their own theme and focus area. Scroll down to find out more about the Huddles they created.

Father Figures
Sam Weatherald
Fathers' group
In a nutshell:

A 6 month, peer-led learning journey exploring 21st century fatherhood.

Peers of Colour
Sharan Jaswal
People of Colour
In a nutshell:

A Quest to explore and respond to the questions that come up as we navigate the world as People of Colour.

David Heinemann
Power & agency
In person
In a nutshell:

A Quest for people with a personal or professional interest in questions of power or agency.

An Experiment in Collaboration
Daniel Ford
In a nutshell:

A 4 month lab to experiment and learn how to collaborate better.

Freelancer's Huddle
Sarah Adefehinti
In person
In a nutshell:

A 6-month, in person journey to connect freelancers or people interested in freelancing.

Becoming Crew
Dan Burgess
Regenerative practice
In a nutshell:

A peer-led Quest for people who want to regenerate life on our Spaceship Earth.

Birmingham Learning Marathon
Anneka Deva
In person
In a nutshell:

Anneka hosted the first Huddle outside London, in Birmingham. Anneka wanted to see learning like this in Brum, so she made it happen. She is now part of the Huddlecraft team.

Read more →
Unravelling Time
Edi Whitehead
In a nutshell:

A Quest for exploring the past, present, future, or the very concept of time itself.

Read more →
Deepr Learning Marathon
Matt McStravick and Ellie Osborne
Human Connection
In a nutshell:

A 6 month journey to explore how we can embed human connection in services and systems.

Read more →
London Learning Marathon
Zahra Davidson
Project accelerator
In person
In a nutshell:

This programme was a 6-month multidisciplinary project accelerator designed to fit alongside work and life.

Read more →
Our Shared Belonging
Jahnvi Singh
Home & belonging
In a nutshell:

A creative, collaborative quest for home and belonging.

Read more →

"I've grown my confidence as a  'maker-happener'. I've built something that had only been tried in London into a real-life thing in Birmingham. I've loved making connections with like minded souls where I live."

- Anneka Deva

"There’s a real sense of network and community, particularly between the Hosts. They are all so warm and caring, deep, analytical and creative."

- Anna Garlands

"Coming together with the other Huddlecraft Hosts gave me so much invaluable support and another peer group to share, learn and grow with."

- Matt McStravick

"Co-designing and facilitating this process has deepened my relational practice in a myriad of ways. Inviting people in, welcoming them, setting the scene, co-creating the culture,  nurturing the slow growing connections into something of strength and resilience."

- Ellie Osborne

"Hosting really breaks down the barriers of what it means to be a facilitator. The idea is not that you are power over - you are power with."

- Sarah Adefehinti


Huddlecraft is a social business. We want to be transparent about how we make and spend our money.

The fee structure for the Host Fellowship is designed to cover all the cost involved in making it happen, whilst keeping it as accessible as we possibly can for people with a range of circumstances. We take inclusion very seriously, both for our Hosts and their Huddle participants.

As a licensed Host, you keep your income from the Huddle, so your Fellowship fee is an investment in your ‘micro-venture’. Your Huddle might earn between £5k - £18k depending on your price structure, your audience and your recruitment efforts.

We know it might not be possible for you to stump the full fee upfront, so we offer monthly payments with 0% interest.

Fee per host

18 monthly instalments of

Large organisation

Corporate / Philanthropy / Central Gov

£7,750 + vat

£431 + vat

Small organisation

or Non-profit / Public Sector

£5,750 + vat

£320 + vat




Bursary / Previous Participant



Special Bursary



How it works

There are 6 steps to getting your Huddle off the ground:

1. Get the pack

If you're intrigued, have a read of our Host's pack. It includes lots more information about the Host Fellowship. We have an additional pack for people applying through organisations.

2. Apply

Feel free to contact us with any questions. If you decide to go for it, please complete our short application form. Applications for the 2022-23 Host Fellowship have now closed.

3. Let's chat

We'll find a time for a 2-way interview. Through this conversation we'll work out if we want to journey together.

4. Training

If we're a match you'll join us for host training. We'll immerse you in our approach and toolkit, and you'll meet other Hosts.

5. Connect group

After the training you'll recruit your peer group. We'll support you with marketing, outreach and curation of the group.

6. Launch

The real adventure begins. We'll support you step-by-step to ensure you and your participants have a great experience.

Express interest in the Host Fellowship

Applications for the 2022-2023 Host Fellowship have now closed. To stay in the loop about the next Fellowship, please complete this form.

Next steps

Please note: Applications to join the 2022/23 Fellowship have now closed.