Huddlecraft studio

Huddlecraft creates engaging collective, peer-led learning experiences, amplifying the impact of purposeful people, organisations and movements for change.

We are peer-to-peer learning specialists and we centre strong relationships, healthy power and imaginative play in everything we design and deliver.

Underpinning our peer-to-peer approach are set of principles, capabilities and techniques, such as...

Relationship building
Peer exchange & innovation

Huddlecraft design and deliver bespoke, adaptable training and workshop experiences, that will hone and enhance the existing skills and capabilities of your team, and bring a flavour of playful, peer-led magic to your context!

We will always tailor our service and delivery to meet your needs. Download our Studio Menu: Training and Workshops Pack to find out more about our offerings.

Drop us a line if you would like to discuss options:

What our partners say:

A Money Movers peer group pose with their Money Maps

"Huddlecraft found the right balance of sharing tips, tools and tricks while creating a space for our team to share our experience and knowledge using the 'peer pods' format.”

Grace Veenan
Spring Impact

The team at Nesta smile for the camera at one of their hybrid online / in person meet ups

"Huddlecraft helped us pilot a different approach to learning at Nesta. We've seen new forms of collaboration across teams and real progress made on specific organisational challenges."

Alex Glennie

A workshop with Shift, colleagues sift through a worktop of different peer-learning techniques printed on coloured paper

"The workshop was practical, energising and excellently delivered. We unlocked some needed clarity and energy for how we can co-create a learning culture we love at Shift."

Tayo Medupin
Shift Design

    Recent projects

    Renegade Neighbourhood Economists

    A network of 12 peer-led learning journeys designed to help participants live the principles of Doughnut Economics in their neighbourhood.


    CIVIC SQUARE, Doughnut Economics Action Lab
    Find out more  →

    A culture of transformation for the NHS

    Training and supporting 25 leaders to design and deliver peer-led approaches to learning, development and change.


    NHS South West Leadership Academy
    Find out more  →

    Women moving their money for the planet

    Money Movers is a powerful movement of women taking climate action with their finances, aiming to move £1 billion for the planet by 2030.


    Friends of the Earth
    Find out more  →

    A deep dive into living change

    Co-designing a learning journey for RSA staff, partners and fellows to develop their capabilities in the RSA's Living Change approach.


    The RSA
    Find out more  →

    Coaching nonprofits to respond to the crisis

    Acting as coaching partners for Beyond: 6 months of design and digital training to help nonprofits adapt and respond to Covid-19.


    Find out more  →

    A tool for building better relationships

    The Relationships Heatmap is an interactive, diagnostic tool to help people and organisations build stronger, more impactful relationships.


    The Relationships Project
    Find out more  →

    Trusted by

    Government Digital Service
    royal college of art
    friends of the earth
    relationships project
    sport england
    jo cox foundation
    civic square

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