A diverse group of people looking happy and energetic, making different arm movements.

Power Trip

A learning journey for social change makers to test and transform how you work with power.


Online, London + UK


6 months

Time Commitment:


Your Host:

Emily Danby

Kick off:


Apply by:


Early bird:



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Power Trip


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Huddle in for a joyful, collaborative learning experience that will transform your relationship with power, within yourself and in the world.
Join a diverse group of people curious to explore power in all its dimensions: how do we cultivate power from deep within? How do we embrace or confront it within our identity? And how do we navigate power within external structures, in pursuit of social change? Over 6 months, you’ll collaborate, experiment, lead and be led as you scale your steepest learning curve yet.

Is it for me?

Are you curious to discover your untapped powers? Are you ready to embrace the power your identity lends you? Do you want to channel your power towards genuine social change?
You might hold power through your position in your community, your workplace, your volunteer space, your business, your political party, your grassroots movement, your place of worship, or some place else entirely. You may also be exploring power through your religious or spiritual practice, or as a creative. This Huddle will bring together a group of social change makers with different skills, identities and relationships to power. If you're working with power to create the social change you believe in, this Huddle is for you.

Do it to...


Develop, test and refine your own personal approach to harnessing and sharing your power.


Overcome the overwhelm of confronting huge social issues, with support from a new network of incredible connections.


Gain direct experience of power-sharing through a radical peer-to-peer learning approach.

The Journey

This Huddle is designed following Huddlecraft’s tried and tested learning journey. We'll kick off with an immersive weekend in London, where we’ll connect and co-design our route.
For the following 6 months, we’ll move online for fortnightly meet-ups, taking turns to facilitate. As our projects take shape, we'll have Power Up days to invite in new perspectives on our progress. In the final phase, we’ll decide together how we want to showcase everything we've tested and discovered. And in autumn, we’ll celebrate crossing the finish line with a final immersive weekend. This is a unique approach to learning and development, intended to transform your relationship with power. Get in touch below to find out more!

Your Host

Photo of Emily leaning against a cream coloured wall, wearing a brightly coloured jumper. Emily has red hair. The jumper has an orange collar, purple body and striped sleaves.
I’ve been journeying into power for some time- challenging my ideas about what I can do, learning to work with my identity, and gaining skills to host joyfully connective spaces.
I still have so many questions about power. What does it mean to have authority and also be gentle? How do I best use my power as a white middle-class person in social change? And how do I bridge my inner sources of power with the outer change I want to see?
“Emily has a genuine passion for connection and belonging. Her ability to understand inclusion on a very deep level is exceptional, and very much needed.”
Jo Atkins-Potts, campaigner, Amnesty International UK


How do you approach diversity and inclusion?

Is this for me?
How much does it cost?
Hybrid, London, UK- where is this Huddle happening exactly?
I'm keen, but I'm not sure about the time commitment. Is this manageable for me?


Register your interest with the Host to receive the information pack. You can also request a phone call and some resources to take to your employer if you think they might be able to (partially or fully) sponsor your place on the programme.

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